
目前显示的是 一月, 2019的博文

Professor Gérard Mourou ---Nobel Prize For Physics,2018

Samarate (VA) January 11, 2019 - Quanta System (El.En) has hosted the 2018 Nobel Prize for Physics, Professor Gérard Mourou. An honor, but also a great recognition for Quanta and the El.En Group for their contribution to science and medicine, all over the world. Alongside Mourou, who became Nobel Laureate for his discovery of the CPA (Chirped Pulse Amplification), and who has been also the inventor of the surgical Lasik intervention for miopia through the laser, they were pr esent the general manager of Quanta System, Eng. Girolamo Lionetti, and the general manager of El.En., Eng. Paolo Salvadeo, the Consul General of France in Italy, His Excellence doctor Cyrille Rogeau, Professor Orazio Svelto (the father of the laser in Italy), the world famous journalist Beppe Severgnini, Professor Ursula Keller, scientist of the Zurich ETH, inventor of the SESAM (Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror), the Swiss scientist Kurt Weingarten, the Honourable of the Chamber of Deputees L...

